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Introduction to the ICE Faculty Zone

Introduction to the ICE Faculty Zone

After starting the video, select this icon from the video player, below, to select a Chapter.


00:00 - Introduction

04:05 - Navigation Tips

04:47 - Tips for Teaching

07:15 - Case Based Learning Tips

10:15 - Webinars

11:07 - Interprofessional Education (IPE)

12:30 - Tools for Teaching

13:50 - Virtual Clinical Experiences

15:09 - Example: Level I Fieldwork

17:00 - Example: Level I Integrated Clinical Experience (ICE)

20:55 - ICE Lesson Plans with ACOTE and CAPTE standards

24:55 - Observation Tools

28:53 - Documentation Tools

32:00 - Movement Analysis Tools

33:00 - Case Studies

34:30 - StrokeHelp Courses

39:55 - Closing