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1050 Johnnie Dodds Blvd #2403
Mount Pleasant

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ICE Video Library

The ICE Video Library: A collection of powerful short therapist and patient videos available 24/7 for in-class or online teaching.

ICE Video Library


A collection of powerful short patient videos available 24/7 for in-person or online teaching.



Motivate, Inspire & Engage Students

Enhance lectures, discussions, and practice labs with real patient videos.


Real Patients,
Real Therapists

Create authentic case studies with real-life assessment and treatment videos.


Choose from a Variety of Clients & Diagnoses

Easy to search and select by diagnosis, setting, or keyword from 200+ videos.


Unlimited Access for All Faculty & Students

Use throughout your curriculum, from intro to advanced level coursework.

How It Works

Bring the clinic to the classroom! Designed specifically for physical therapy and occupational therapy faculty, the ICE Video Library's wide range of short videos can be streamed in class, embedded in your LMS, or assigned to watch outside of class.

Create powerful and customized learning activities. Get a head start with templates from the ICE Faculty Zone including recommended videos, Lesson Plans, Practice Labs, and tips for class discussions.

  • Create real-life case study assignments

  • Enhance clinical reasoning skills

  • Enrich lectures

  • Facilitate dynamic discussions

  • Demonstrate therapeutic interventions with real-life patients

What's Included

200+ short video clips, easy to search and select, illustrating a wide range of diagnoses and treatment settings. Your campus subscription provides 24/7 access to the entire ICE Video Library for faculty & students and faculty access to resources in the ICE Faculty Zone for one full year!


  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

  • Dementia

  • Distal radial fracture

  • Femur fracture

  • Multiple sclerosis

  • Rotator cuff repair

  • Spinal stenosis

  • Stroke

  • Total hip replacement (THR)

  • Total knee replacement (TKR)


  • Early Childhood Development

  • Intervention & Assessment