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Electronic Documentation Learning System

Intuitive, Innovative, Interactive

DocuLearn is an electronic documentation learning system built to increase student confidence and competence with writing clinical notes. DocuLearn was designed to be intuitive and user-friendly without the need for detailed instructions. Students can upload their completed pdf template directly into their learning management system.

Key Features

OT Practice Framework

DocuLearn templates align with and utilize OTPF-4 terminology and concepts to engage students through practical applications that carry over into clinical practice.

Video-based case application

Pair DocuLearn with ICE Videos, lab simulations, or other documentation assignments.

E-textbook coming soon!

The DocuLearn e-textbook offers interactive examples, common mistakes, quizzes, and practice documentation linked with videos.

Medical history now available!

New Patient Records have been added to the ICE Video Library allowing students to review the past medical history, physician’s orders, and medications.

Look under “Patients” in the top navigation bar of the ICE Video Library.

Intraprofessional Opportunities

DocuLearn templates can be used for intraprofessional learning assignments with a co-signature option (e.g., OT and COTA).

Faculty Zone Resources

As DocuLearn continues to grow, additional lesson plans and example assignments will be added to the Faculty Zone to stimulate teaching ideas and save faculty time. Reach out here to share your ideas!


Recorded DocuLearn Webinar


Help Us Improve

We continue to work with focus groups to make improvements to DocuLearn. We appreciate and take your feedback seriously.