DocuLearn OneLogin (Copy)
Electronic Documentation Learning System for Occupational Therapy
Tips for Documentation
DocuLearn was designed to be intuitive and user-friendly without the need for detailed instructions. Each template serves a multi-purpose function as an evaluation, progress, and/or discharge note.
Use the charts, drop-downs, and open-text boxes available to build your note. You can skip any items that are not relevant, and they will not show on your final pdf. Be sure to explore, as these items are intended to help grow your knowledge of common OT terminology and lingo.
When finished, you can save and download your note as a pdf. Your note will be sent to your email along with a link to make edits at any time. Additional tips can be found in this handout and in the upcoming e-textbook.
*Chrome is recommended.
Tips for Saving Your Note
Title your file (under the Chart Info tab) using a name that will help when you retrieve it later. (e.g., your name, date, assignment name, and/or related course).
Be sure to save your work as you go by clicking on the Save Progress tab at the top. To be extra careful, save your work after completing each section.
When finished, you can save and download your note as a pdf. Your note will be sent to your email along with a link to make edits at any time.
If using a Mac, disable the “swipe between pages” feature under Apple System Preferences/Trackpad, as this might cause you to unintentionally back out of the DocuLearn webpage when you swipe left/right and lose your work.
Organize your notes by creating a folder or label in your email so that you can drag and drop all DocuLearn notes into one secure location, ready to retrieval later. DocuLearn does not store your note. If you do not save your work, it will be lost.
Key Features
OT Practice Framework
DocuLearn templates align with and utilize OTPF-4 terminology and concepts. Students engage with the OTPF-4 through realistic and practical applications that carry over into clinical practice.
Video-based case application
DocuLearn can be combined with ICE Videos and/or classroom simulations to create authentic learning activities. New evaluation and treatment video cases are on the way!
E-textbook coming soon!
The DocuLearn e-textbook offers interactive examples, common mistakes, quizzes, and practice documentation linked with videos.
Medical history now available!
New Patient Records have been added to the ICE Video Library allowing students to review the past medical history, physician’s orders, and medications when documenting notes on ICE Video Cases.
Look under “Patients” in the top navigation bar of the ICE Video Library.
Intraprofessional Opportunities
DocuLearn templates can be used for intraprofessional learning assignments with a co-signature option (e.g., OT and COTA).
Faculty Zone Resources
As DocuLearn continues to grow, additional lesson plans and example assignments will be added to the Faculty Zone to stimulate teaching ideas and save faculty time. Reach out to to share your requests and/or ideas!